Isnin, 7 Mac 2011

Respon pembaca : Saman

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah...

Minggu lepas saya terima sebuah email sebagai respon terhadap entry sebelum ini. Boleh dapati disini. Mari kita lihat apa yang disampaikan oleh sipengirim...

Walaupun saya ni bukan lawyer tapi betul la tu. Ada 2-3 kes yg org awam menang berkenaan kes saman ekor/blacklist bila fight dlm mahkamah.

Akan tetapi, beberapa bulan sudah kalau tak silap, ada perubahan perlembagaan kes ini yg kalau tak silap ,allow pdrm/jpj utk teruskan saman ekor memadai dgn cukup bukti bergambar melalui speed trap camera. Kononnya dah diluluskan kabinet.

Cuma tak pasti samada memang betul dah diluluskan kabinet atau tak? anyone knows.

Projek Automated Enforcement System (AES) by JPJ and ministry of transport dah 2-3 thn tergendala pasal isu artikel perlembagaan ni menanti kelulusan kabinet.

Once projek AES, ada seribu lebih camera installed kat jalan federal, highways, traffic lights etc. camera operate 24 hrs and can capture video for 12 sec. Speed beyond 300km/h pun boleh captured. We have tested in few locations backed in 2008. Ada satu area kat putrajaya tu, average 2000 kesalahan langgar lampu merah captured dlm masa 24 jam. So just imagine how much money our government will make soon?

I dont mind if our personal tax reduced to 20% capped (now 26%), service tax reduced to 3% (now 5%) and gov tax reduced to 3% (now baru naik 6%in 2011).....hehehhehhh...


Do we ever realized that when a fresh graduate engineer started working in 1995/1996, the basic salary average is around RM2400 or RM2500.

Now...after 16 years, the fresh grad engineers are still having the same basic salary, worse in some companies/factories, they are paid less like 2300 or 2200.

In 1995, we can get a new Wira car 1.3 at the price of less than 30k. Now proton saga 1.3 (lower spec than wira) std harga 38k, myvi 40++k. Kenaikan harga more than 30%
Harga rumah dah naik more than 50%, harga rumah murah dulu 25k, now 35k only in rural areas, in town dah jadi 45k so almost 80% increase.
harga gula, minyak, tepung, baju, diapers, susu etc etc semua naik dah lebih 30% minimum

Bayangkan betapa rendahnya purchasing power yg dihadapi oleh fresh grads kita sekarang ni. Ni yg graduate, camne lak dgn diploma people, yg lulus spm je ? Camne lah diorang nak kawin nak cover all the expenses? nak beli kereta, nak beli rumah, makan etc etc
This is happening to our sisters/brothers and children...

What are the politicians up there thinking about all these? We are actually doing from bad to worse..but kena camouflage dgn all sort of gimmick news!

People say those brainies like to work either in public sectors or corporate sectors, those with less brains but hardworking will work at plantations or manufacturings. Now we have left with those with almost zero or less brains to run the government....hahahhahh...(NOT ALL !!)

renung2kan dan selamat beramal..............

Mana yang elok, kita amik. Mana yang tak elok, kita tinggalkan. Kitakan dah mumayyiz...

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